The Rules: "List 7 songs you are into right now. No matter what the genre, wether they have words, or even if they're not any good, but they must be songs you're really enjoying now, shaping your spring. Post these instructions with your 7 songs, then tag 7 people to see what they're listening to.
Where do you go to my lovely - Peter Sarstedt. I've loved this song ever since I heard it in the movie 'The Darjeeling Limited'. It's so beautiful, and it's also the source for the name of my blog.
Every you and every me - Placebo. I recently rediscovered this song, and I love it. Especially the melody.
Je n'aime que toi - Ludivine Sagnier, Louis Garrel, Clotilde Hesme. It's French, and wonderful.

Poses - Rufus Wainwright. He's one of my favourite artists, and this is a beautiful song to listen to. It's so calm, and dream-like.
Almost Happy - K's Choice. This song is quite sad, but also makes you think, and ponder. And the melody is wonderful. I'm attracted to songs with pretty melodies.
You're gorgeous - Babybird. This is a song I like at the moment. It's basically a nice summer song.
Speeding Cars - Imogen Heap. This is just a song I've always liked a lot. Again, because of the dream like melody.
I'm tagging Carrie, Raquel, Marie, Sarah, Linda, Kirsty and Rissa.