Anyway, here is what I bought;

This extremely adorable blouse at H&M. I had no choice but to buy it - it was one of those times when you feel love at first sight - and then I always get it because I know I will not regret it.

A skirt from H&M trend. I think this will be just perfect for spring and summer. One thing that struck me about it is that the colours in it remind me so much of the recent Lula (which I had to buy since it doesn't seem to be coming even though I have a subscription).

Another skirt from Gina Tricot. I love the colour and the cut of it!

And these wonderful high waisted shorts at Tjallamalla. They are a little slouchy, but tight at the waist and around the legs. I love them.

Oh, and I also got a see-through umbrella! I needed a new umbrella, and this one was really cheap, and I like the fact that it's see-through.
I also happened to run into Elin from 'Elinkan' while I was there. She was as sweet and adorable as ever!