A few weeks ago I bought a pretty little playsuit from the 60s on Ebay. Unfortunately the zipper was broken, and I really wanted to wear it, so today I went and bought some cute, pink heart-shaped buttons that I thought I'd sew onto it. Mind you, I've still not quite got the hang of sewing, but I don't think it would be that difficult to do it. At least I hope it won't be! At any rate, I think it's going to look really cute with the pink buttons and the pink bows on it.

Also, have you noticed my new header? Katie of Cherry Humbug made it and I love it. Katie's graphics have always impressed me a lot, and I was thrilled that she made me this header. Thank you again, Katie!
These buttons are SO cute - good luck with the sewing!
it's going to look great!
katie also made my header :) she's great!!!
happy weekend darling
Så fine knapper! Og header-skiftet var veldig vellykka, syns jeg, det bildet er veldig elegant :)
awwww, something of the cutest I've ever seen!!:)
i've been looking similar buttons for a long time! but i always find the flower-shaped ones.. the playsuit will be looking perfect with these buttons :))
and of course i've noticed your new beautiful header :) congrats to Katie :)
Looks like it will be very cute.
I'm still too scared to try the button hole function on my sewing machine...
Loving the new header also.
I wish I could sew... but I always end up causing too many injuries to myself when I try, maybe I need to wear some thick gloves or just get my mom to do it :-D
i love the pink buttons and this post!!
Loving the new header! and the playsuit is soo cute!
That's a great idea with the heart buttons!
I noticed your lovely new header straight away.
your new header is adorable luv! i definitely want to change mine-- i feel like im too out there, you know?! by the way, thats a really cute dress. not sure if i can pull it off though, but you do.:)
much love
Och, so pretty! I love heart buttons ;))
It's going to look so nice with those buttons! Make sure to show some pictures when it's done!
Noticed the new header, of course. It's so nice!
it's going to look so sweet:p good luck!
cute buttons! i love buttons, i have some teapot shaped ones :)
very nice dress!
have a nice day:D
love your header: it's one of the outfit i really love that you're weearing there:)those buttons look so adorable.good luck.
oh it`s amazing. <3
[I bought my skirt in sh and I DIY it. :) ]
sunny kiss from Poland. ;)
O that looks adorable ! what a cute idea !!
I didn't feel bad for eating them, just for not sharing lol....
I do like this new header, so nice of her ;-)
oh it's lovely! the buttons are going to look much better than the zipper would! and the new header is perfect:) have a great weekend dear!
really pretty! I love your new header:)
Playsuiten ser helt fantastisk ut, nydelig! Du har en utrolig fin stil, og jeg finner masse inspirasjon i bloggen din:) Håper du får en fin helg!
The buttons are lovely, can't wait to see the result ! Your new header is cute :)
Those buttons are so cute. They'll look great on the play suit once you are finished! :)
Your new header looks great :)
Du må ta den på og ta bilde av deg i den! :D
It's adorable <3
So adorable! The header is beautiful! :o)
I absolutley adore your header, I would love to do something like that. Have fun with your sewing project, the buttons are super cute!
Aww these photos are beautiful. And thank you.
Link trade? Let me know...
aaaaw! the buttons are so cute =)
and i love your new header!!
I bet it'll look fantastic!
Love the new header and the playsuit is going to be so cute! x
Sweet buttons! Hope the sewing goes to plan
SO lovely!
And your header is great, really ;)
I love those buttons
and good luck with the sewing
just don't put the buttons on the wrong side (life experience)
Those buttons are adorable, you've made me want to run out and buy some just to sew on anything and everything. Great idea! xo
Your dresses are all so beautiful and you take great pictures.
Such adorable buttons, I have a dress with yellow ones :)
By the way, I like your header.
These are so cute - I can't wait to see it all finished!
PS. Love the header too!
Love your new header! Katie has done a great job! Thumbs up! And cute buttons! (but too bad that the zipper was broken) xoxo
The pink heart-shaped buttons are so adorable! Hope it turns out well :-)
Care for a link exchange?
Awesome header! It looks as though you had a wonderful time away, the photos are stunning - the figs in the water have given me a hankering for them! Cute buttons too xoxo
this is so cute!
aww it's adorable! I love the buttons :)
Don't get scared, it's very easy :) and you heart buttons are so lovely *
å så søte knapper, så kreativ du e, det blir sikkert kjempefint - gleda meg til å sjå resultatet!! :)
Svar: Fikk invitasjon på mobilen faktisk.. var kjekt å møte noken av dei bloggerene som eg leser bloggen til, men festen i seg sjølv var ganske dårleg om eg skal være heilt ærleg.. du gjekk ikkje glipp av så masse,hehe.
Eg trur det e morsommere å arrangere bloggtreff som e litt meir uhøgtideleg, og der du kan møte bloggere du veit om og leser bloggen til liksom.. så du får sei ifra om du plutselig kjem til oslo ein dag :D
hey, d'you wanna exchange links?
It's so delicate and gracious !!
I just read some more of your blog. In fact I read almost the entire thing. I'm so pleased that I found your blog, its definately one of the best out there. I think your really pretty and I love your style. I wish I was as stylish as you, your clothes are all so beautiful. Also I think its cool that your from Norway. I like reading about that and its interesting what you said about polar nights. I live in Australia so the concept seems strange to me, so different. Also I like reading about your travels. I have never left Australia in my life. All those countries must be exciting. I plan to be a regular viewer of your blog now.
Really great idea!
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pink(my cat's favourite colour)heart buttons suit your dress very good, together they look very gentle.
And great thank you for your lovely comments wich helps me to be closer to norway!(But very soon Norway will be closer to me))
sooo cute buttons!i love them:)
Heart buttons are so sweet! I want to sew some onto my white skirt too
HAW so cute ! I love that !
Love the new header! :) And the buttons, they are so sweet! ;)
Aww that's so cute! Love it<3
Thanks for the comment! Those heart buttons are too cute!!
så utrolig søteknapper! lykke til med syingen :D gleder meg til å se resultatet.
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