On Friday, I celebrated Rosh Hashanah, or the Jewish new year with my boyfriend. It included wine and wonderful food that my boyfriend had cooked for us. It was all so delicious! I think Rosh Hashanah is my favourite Jewish holiday since it is always so festive, you eat good food, and it's a new year with new beginnings! So, happy new year!

Tunisian chickpea soup with parsley. I think this is the best soup I have ever tasted in my life.

My sweet boyfriend.

And baked paprika with rice.

Oh, and I baked honey cake in muffin cups. Honey cake is one of the best cakes there are!

Looks delish, I could become Jewish just to join in ths holiday!
hmm that cake looks good! they look really pretty
Yum :D
was that yeasterday, really? then i wish you and your boyfriend a happy new year!
Wow, looks like an amazing feast and celebration.
Your rose honey cakes are to die for.
have i ever told you how much i love the fact that you post pictures of such delicious-looking food? well i do. :)
Oh my, you always seem to be eating the most amazing looking food!
How did you get the cakes to look like roses? They are so cute!
oh, wow! i think i'm hungry now haha. those cakes are so adorable!
Happy New Year.It looks amazing what you have there on the table.Yummy.
Happy new year!!! food looks delicious!! and you both are so cute!! how did you get to make the cakes looking like roses? they look perfect!! kissesss!!!
Hello, Helen! It looks like you had lots of fun! You and your boyfrind make a lovely couple =D and that chickpea soup made me hungry...
oh please post the recipy of the honey cake :)
yum, those rose cakes look amazing. I've always wanted one of those tins but they're soooo expensive in the UK.
It looks so yummy ! A recipe of the cakes and soup would be good ! I love your boyfriends hair, its lovely !
That looks so tasty!
Yummy! Looks delicious!
Dein Freund ist sehr süß und passt richtig gut zu dir.
oo you look soo cute with your little cake ! they look yummy ! i had no idea about this holidays !! HAPPY NEW YEAR to you both ! ;-)
Shana tova! At jalda matock meod =)
Neshikot ♥
The food looks so good.
Those honey cakes look incredible! Are they in the shape of roses? That's fantastic! It was a mistake reading this post on an empty stomach, though.
Your boyfriend has cool hair.
Speaking of hair, I like whatever is black in yours!
Oh yum! It looks like you two enjoyed a nice celebration :)
Mmm delicious!! <3
the food looks so yummy!!
everythinh looks delicious!! happy new year!
Happy new year for you! Those honey cakes look great
how beautiful dear Ariella :) it surely looks so festive and lovely. you must've had a great time, and those cakes look delicious! yummy *-*
much love <3
Oh, you look adorable! And the cinibuns just look delicious :D
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this looks like such a lovely celebration. can i just mention that I think it's amazing that you got those cakes to look like roses? Wow!
Shana Tova to u to.
i wish my hasband cook like that!!!
is ur boyfriend tunisian ?
No, he is Israeli.
hvorfor ikke:)
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